Wednesday, February 20, 2013

out of barcelona

in the summer, or rather a week after i moved to spain, my boyfriend and i went with some of his friends to salou. salou is a small party-town in  the region tarragona in catalonia. so, for a couple of days, just enjoying the summer out of town. with a couple who has some seriuos communication problems and their 2 year old son (imagine) and another friend, who has some serious alcohol issues.

but somehow i think it was horrible because i has just moved to spain. and i was not really ready to start up any social life just yet. to be honest i don't remember much from the trip, but to resume it, it would look something like this:

buy a new (too small) bikini. find out that i'd forgot my money back in barcelona. the only one who didn't drink anything alcoholic. choking in water.

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