
who is claudine flouret?

she might not be french. she doesn't even speak it. she's never been to paris. yet.but she is truly in love with the ilusion of going to the city of light. maybe learn the language of love.
she is a a young woman in search for new adventures. so she moved to spain, 7 months ago. she did learn to make her way, but didn't find the true happiness which is some reason she'll be heading home, wherever "home" might be. her passion is truly writing, and wherelse can you be inspired, but living abroad?

though she might not be the greatest adventuress, she loves travel, learning new cultures and languages. she loves photograpy, poetry, books and art.

and why did she move to spain? she wanted changes in her life. with a supportive boyfriend, but less supportive family she took the step. this blog is dedicated to the life of claudine flouret, the 7 last months in spain... and when she starts all over back home. wherever "home" might be.

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